is a brand new on-demand Web TV station servicing all elements of Hip Hop Culture.
Founded in March 2010 is brain child of Raj Jadeja, DJ, Producer and a self confessed Hip Hop purist.
We filter and aggregate all the top quality, user generated videos on the web to create an online TV station tailored specifically for real Hip Hop heads.
It is a celebration of the creative aspects of Hip Hop and Soul culture, centredĀ around the main elements of Beat Production, Djing, MCing, Bboying & Graffiti Art.
Our mission is to foster and encourage the evolution of a greater Hip Hop community.
The intent of this site is to provide an environment where culture, music and lifestyle may come together through a dynamic and engaging medium.
It is our hope that by providing a stage for user high quality, user generated hip hop video content we will help bridge the growing gap between the youth of tomorrow and the forefathers that laid the foundations of this universal culture that is Hop Hop.
We also hope that this interaction within the community will allow us to come together as a group, and subsequently, use Hip Hop to contribute positively to the world around us.
Contact us:
If you would like to get your video on the site, become a writer/contributor or you would like to explore advertisingĀ opportunitiesĀ get in contact! Drop us an email on